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Sharp's solar 936SH and 934SH with "memory LCD"

headline latest SoftBank lineup

As you might expect, Japanese carrier SoftBank's summer 2009 lineup contains the usual science-fiction array of ridiculously well-equipped handsets -- plus 3G photo frames and a Lenovo IdeaPad S10 with embedded WWAN -- but the real news here might be a pair of lovelies from Sharp. The mirumo 934SH (pictured left) features a 3-inch external display that can display time, date, weather, news, and other information without consuming any power between changes; sounds like E-Ink, though Sharp describes it simply as a "memory LCD." You've also got an 8 megapixel camera, a waterproof shell, and a UV sensor that can help you determine just how quickly you need to slather on the SPF 30. Next up is the Solar Hybrid 936SH, a phone suspiciously similar in concept to the device Sharp is working on for SoftBank competitor KDDI au. Clearly the big draw here is the big solar array up front that'll give you one minute of call time or two hours of standby per 10 minutes of charging, but you've still got IPX7 water resistance, an 8 megapixel camera, and a full wide VGA display at your disposal. Look for the 934SH in June and the 936SH in August -- if you happen to be in Japan, anyhow.

The memory LCD is actually an OLED, which Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son claims uses only five per cent of the power used by previous external displays. Seeing as most of these were STN, that's no surprise, but anyway.

And the 'memory' part comes from the fact the external display can only show one of 38 different screens at one time, and the hardware remembers which of those 38 you use most.

Also not mentioned was the fact that both use CCD sensors in their cameras, which makes the awesome, and for some reason Chris chose to ignore the 10mp CCD camera equipped Aquos Shot, which also has a 3-inch VGA capacitive screen and 'Chase Shutter', which allows the autofocus to follow an object selected on the screen as it moves across it.
934SH (OLED -memory LCD)
936SH (solar system) (news review)

除了高畫素相機手機之外,這次 Sharp / SoftBank 還把兩樣頗讓人流口水的功能給加入了這次夏季高裝檢的行列。 上圖的左右分別為 934SH、936SH,這兩隻東東有啥特別的呢?先從右邊的 936SH 說起,正面塞的那顆太陽能電池,根據官方說法,約莫曬個十分鐘,就可以提供一分鐘的通話時間、兩小時待機,而其他硬體也不含糊,相機八百萬畫素、螢幕三吋 WVGA,如果這些還不夠,他還加送防水係數 IPX7 的外殼。 至於 934SH 的部份,則是有個特別的三吋『記憶 LCD』,根據主站讀者的補充說明,這螢幕其實是個低耗電的 OLED(耗電量僅有過去外螢幕的 5%),可以用來顯示時間、日期、天氣、新聞(RSS?)等資訊,而在切換的過程中,並不會耗電 僅在更新內容時會耗電;除此之外,大概就是個『標準的』八百萬畫素相機、防水外殼、紫外線感應器,讓您不會忘記擦防曬。 934SH 預計將會在六月上市,而 936SH 則是八月,以下為圖庫;至於其他 SoftBank 夏季產品,有興趣的朋友可以參考一下引用來源。


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